Like a tired whore calling from a doorway
There was a time when radio was the coolest thing in town. Not any more.
Commercial radio is a creative wasteland.
When was the last time you heard a good commercial on radio? You can't remember? It's because you haven't heard one.
I know commercial radio. I conducted a brand audit for the Australian industry several years ago.
I graduated from the Radio Marketing Bureau's Radio Copywriting School more than several years ago.
I know radio and I know good creative when I hear it. But I never hear it.
No self respecting copywriter in an advertising agency wants to write radio.
So it's left to the hacks at the stations. The same people write all the commercials you hear on your favourite station.
That's why they all sound the same. Like a tired whore calling out from a doorway to anyone passing by.
The creative content in radio is confined to the big-mouthed smart-arses (I think they're actually professional comedians) employed as DJs on the 'hip' (vs the 'hip-replacement') stations.These idiots feel the need to fill every second of air time with some asinine remark that could only be construed as funny if you are braindead or have an IQ of 15 (like half the listeners who call talkback radio).
The fact they can make a living talking such shit says more about the average moron than about themselves. In fact, radio's greatest contribution to man's knowledge of mankind is that it reveals how petty and stupid and small we are. The most creative thing the ad copywriters from the right wing shock jock stations can think of is a live read by one of their "stars" - appalling people you wouldn't talk to at all if it wasn't for their great power with the rabble. As it is, one takes their calls and one laughs at their jokes when one is in their company because one knows how vindictive they are and how prone to using their soapbox for personal ends.
There was once a time when radio was a creative medium - The Goons, Stan Freiberg, Jack Davey.
There was a time when radio was the no.1 medium.
It was creative then.
I wonder if there is a connection?