Do you make these mistakes in marketing? Part 2
[ ] Missing sales opportunities via bouncebacks. If you deliver a product or service, the best opportunity for the next sale is the moment of delivery. Do you make a follow-up offer? Remember, the first sale is the door opener.
[ ] Failing to focus on the 80:20. If you think all prospects and customers are worth the same amount of effort, it’s time to ‘get real’. Some are 10 to 100 times more worthy of your investment than others. How do you find them? It’s simple. Ask your database for a list of the customers who have spent the most with you, then look at them closely. What characteristics do they share? What separates them from the others? How did they get to you? Can you find more like them?
[ ] Brand diffusion. Letting your brand speak with many tongues. It’s easy to get the logo right and colours, etc… ducks in a row. But what happens when the real brand building starts – pricing policy, public statements by company reps, structure and usability of web sites, customer experience, staff management…. Do these things reflect the brand promise?
More to come...